"just so you know, E really likes you that's why he is not filling you up with lies just to sleep with you. he thinks you're a great girl, he told me."

Now what am I supposed to do with that? I had a mini-convo via text the other day with M (P's ex-gf) about E and this is what she sent me. She and E (ha!) are good friends, but I trust her to be honest with me. She knows how I feel about the whole going home with E business and wholeheartedly agrees. M, however, keeps pushing me to stay on board the E train for a little while longer, saying it may have to do with the fact that his daughter is here, and maybe she's right. Maybe the reason he's taking home Slutty McSlutster (we don't know if he took her home again, but I'm willing to guess yes) is because he really doesn't care what she thinks, so long as he gets off.

This is twisted, right? Am I the only one who thinks this is some crazy run around logic? And the worst thing is, I'm the one who's come up with it.

Anyway, a friend of mine has recently suggested we take time outside of the bars and restaurants and EV and just do something else - walks along the water in Battery Park, walks over the Bklyn Bridge, etc. It sounds like a pretty good idea, but right now I'm back at the strange point where I want to be with him but I don't want to contact him. Can you blame me? What's the point of contacting someone who won't even reply?

And what's the point of wanting to be with someone who doesn't seem to even want to talk to you?

I think this is what's called going in circles.

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