I found myself today perusing the forums on GQ.com and I came across this particularly infuriating one. It asks the question of which do the male participants prefer - thin or curvy women?

Despite being on the curvy side, I don't particularly care if a guy's taste tends towards skinny. I'd like to think in some cases in a matter of preference and not a matter of "shun the hip-y girl". Besides, I think it's also been known for some guys to prefer the voluptuous.

Anyway, what got to me most were the following four posts in the forum that read, and I quote:

"I prefer the model type. The curvy tpye are nice too but a bad long term investment. Curvy gets droopy"

"Naw. Hitting the gym regularly will stop that from being a problem."

"Tell that to Isaac newton. Diamonds may be a gals best friend but gravity is her worst enemy"

"A little nip here, a little tuck there, some lipo for the rest--what's to worry about?"

In the long run, weight can be feasibly altered, whether it be loss or gain. That small penis problem is an entirely different story.

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