I'm much more vindictive than I give myself credit for. Have spent more time than I wish to admit today thinking racy text messages to send E, just to have him come running back so I can prove I still do hold some sort of power. Some sort of allusion to the fireworks, I should think. In the end, I've sent nothing. When it comes down to it, I don't want him to think he's finally getting lucky, because if anything, he's far from it.

According to C, men thrive on the chase. We live for those 7 seconds of ejaculation, he assured me Thursday night, when he was working at the pub. Just those 7 seconds. Once all's been said and done, you can bet we'll getting the girl the fuck out of our beds.

C is such a romantic, I sometimes wonder why I didn't lose my virginity to him sooner.

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