For the enquiring minds which, for whatever reason, want to know, I won't be receiving any texts or late night phone calls from E for a few days. Why, you may ask? No, it's not because he's given up all possibilities of any nooky (he's the epitome of sexual perseverance these days). It's because there's a lady in his life.

She's his six year old daughter, who spends most of the year living with her mother (they're not married) in where? Ireland, of course.

Has he told me about her? Nope. Have P and R (the new waitress at the pub) told me about her? You betcha. I understand why he hasn't told me about her, what with me being a prospect and all, but it's still frustrating. I happen to adore kids! Plus, it adds another facet to his soccer playing, Corona guzzling, come-home-with-me persona.

I kind of miss him, a bit. Maybe the fumes of too many OPI bottles in the bedroom have finally gone to my head.

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