Ask it of the universe and though shalt receive.

Ah yes, here, ladies and gentlemen, we see the nearly middle-aged (gasp!) male realizing he may have just lost his lo-lee-ta to his love of sex, soccer and poker chips.

Don't misunderstand - just because E has called to enquire about my whereabouts for the night does not mean I will shroud him in the white garments of the forgiven. He's really not a terrible guy, but the facts are these - he's still a guy who at various points has told me it is more than alright with him if take my shirt off in public. I have always graciously declined.

I am very dangerously courting the possibility of some sort of relationship with this older man who is, in many ways, very young. He's been after me since April, and I am only just starting to fold. I'm sure the women he's had in the meantime are neither few nor far between and that's fine. I certainly don't expect the man to go celibate for me.

Fact of the matter is, I don't know what I expect. You might be wondering why I don't just sleep with the man and see where it goes - he is 37, and I'm sure he could teach me a thing or four. I'm not entirely sure why not, either, but I don't exactly subscribe to the philosophy of "if no other reason, than why the hell not?"

So yes, I will see him Sunday. Our mutual friend P (who used to work at the pub), is leaving the country Monday morning, and is having a farewell party. Must not be the emotional git I have the proven potential to be. Will be a total bombshell, aloof and seductive... and will most likely melt like butter to his touch.

Will also be a trainwreck, most likely, when saying goodbye to P. The man, who I've admittedly only known for six months, has turned out to be one of the best men I've ever known. Of all the people I've ever met, ours was an introduction I will surely never forget. But that is a story for another day.

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